Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mode Merr and the Boston Comic Con Adventure

Good Rainy Afternoon to you, Dear Readers.

Twin Jacks and a Damsel
Yesterday, the Piratical Fiance and I went to the Boston Comic Con. He was, of course, dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow and very Piratical. I was not dressed as any character, however I was in the garb of a Victorian Lady. I was NOT Steampunk. (Although I love the Victorian era and style, I decidedly dislike Steampunk.) For those of you who do not know, and have not figured it out, I am not a comic book person. I have never been to a Comic Con. Needless to say, I was reluctant to go. I was convinced that I would be surrounded by pimply teenagers, nerds and social rejects. But I went to be with the Piratical Fiance and for an excuse to carry a parasol.

Me at Comic Con
The first part of my Comic Con experience began before we even left our apartment. What to wear...
Spatterdashes or boots? Large parasol or carriage parasol? Long skirt with train or Perfect Skirt? I settled on my Babycake John Fluevog boots, my carriage parasol and of course, my Mode Merr Perfect Skirt. (Who knew that retro pin-up fashion would also work for a Victorian look? It simply proves how versatile Mode Merr really is!) I paired all of this with a black ruffly bolero, a lace tank top (the one I wore to Passover) and my new leather underbust corset as well as 1950's cat-eye sunglasses. Completely fabulous. 

On a side note, I must say, the John Fluevog boots were very comfortable and easy to wear. They were an excellent investment! My feet did get tired and started hurting, but that was after 4 hours of walking around.

Jack, Me and Wonder Woman!
We got to the Con and had to wait outside in a very long line, just to wait in another very long line, to get in finally. While we waited, we met Super Woman and ran into an imbalanced Bellatrix Lestrange, who was still imbalanced when she was out of character. 

Inside the Con, we ran into all sorts of characters. The first people we ran into were the Demon and the Star Child from KISS! (Such nice guys!) We saw Mr. T, who the Piratical Fiance knows. There were a bunch of Batmans and too many Jokers to count. There were 2 Tony Starks (both of which the Piratical Fiance also knew.) There was a Wicket the Ewok (he was adorable) lots of Storm Troopers, yet I do not recall seeing a Darth Vader.

Not Abby
Lots of people wanted to take pictures of me. Which is a new thing for me. Almost everyone wanted to take pictures with the Piratical Fiance. (As per usual.) The thing that I did not expect (and was not going for at all) is that people thought I was Abby from NCIS. I was horrified. Now, I get people on the street who come up to me and say, "Wow, you look like that girl on NCIS," or "You look just like that Abby on TV," or at a family friend's home for Christmas dessert, "You look like Pauley Perrette." One lady at the Con insisted, simply insisted, that I was that girl on TV that she couldn't think of. She insisted, simply insisted that I tell her who I was dressed as. I smiled at her and obliviously told her I was me that day. I kept waiting for her to tell me who she thought I was, until I figured it out for myself. She thought I was Abby. Even when I told her I was indeed not dressed as Abby, she insisted, simply insisted that I was. The very nice fella from the Star Trek booth stopped me and congratulated me on my Abby costume and how perfectly I did it. When I told him that this was just me, he smiled sweetly and told me that was great as well. :) <3 

One of the best things about the Con (aside from people watching) was the artists and their art work. There was a lot of great stuff. I did not take any pictures of anyone's work, because as an artist, I feel that that is wrong, but I got lots of business cards to share with you! Check out:
Ken Kelly @
Sara Richard @
Matthew J. Fletcher @
Stephanie Buscema @
Katie Cook @ 
(Katie drew a picture of the Piratical Fiance complete with sea turtles!)
There was even a fella who does geeky pinup photography @

at home, tired and resting
After awhile, I got tired and cranky. I got sick of taking pictures and sick of posing. People's inane comments about some bit of someone's costume not being "screen accurate" were getting irritating. People started smelling not so good. It was time to go home. The Piratical Fiance obliged me. There was no yucky vegetarian Chinese food dinner with friends, there was no after party. There was just home, and dinner and tired feet. The final verdict was that, yes, I would go back to Comic Con next year. I had fun. :)

Until next time dear readers. <3

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