Friday, September 23, 2011

Mode Merr Pop Up Boutique Boston...Have Any Ideas??

Good Afternoon to You, Dear Readers,

    Since the debut of the fall line at the Boston fashion show almost 2 weeks ago, we at Mode Merr have been thinking of ways to bring our product to you. We think the best way to go about this would be for a pop up boutique, similar to what we had set up at the fashion show.

Old School Tupperware Party
    Basically, a pop up boutique would be held in the Boston area at someone's house or perhaps a local clothing store. (This would a great alternative to all the press, scheduling and general hullabaloo of a pop-up boutique at a venue.) Think of it as Tupperware party. (Are you old enough to remember Tupperware parties?) That was when ladies used to get together, without men, and go to a friend's house, have a glass of wine and shop for nifty containers and cookware. That was a long time ago. Maybe you you can relate to a sex toy party better. Ladies get together, have drinks and buy some nifty sex toys. 

She has pretty new things. Why shouldn't you?
   Our pop up boutique would go something like this: We would have a location (preferably someone's home) where you could invite your girlfriends (as well as some gals that Angela knows) and other ladies (co-workers, book club buddies, family members,etc) you might know who would like to buy some Mode Merr, experience Mode Merr or that have a special occasion to shop for. Knowing who would be on your guest list, Mode Merr could make sure to bring specific sizes as well as specific styles to fit the needs of the ladies invited. (Can you imagine, a pop-up boutique that caters to YOU!!) Angela would bring her beautiful merchandise as well as some lasagna, snacks and perhaps some champagne. The boutique would be set up in the living room or dining room, whichever is more conducive to shopping. (I am sure we could have one of those folding curtains to make a dressing room for the more modest ladies.) The ladies arrive, (remember, this is a no boys allowed event. However, maybe they could be allowed to come over and hang out after 11pm) have a nosh and a drinky-poo and start shopping and chatting. The great thing is that you can get the opinions of your girlfriends right there. If something doesn't fit you quite right, pass it on to one of the other girls. At the end of the night, you have a full tummy, a quenched thirst, some gorgeous new outfits, and have spent a quality evening with your friends. Maybe you have made some new ones as well. Everyone wins!

A lady in a varying stage of undress
   As you can already begin to imagine, it would be much more fabulous than a Tupperware party and less smutty than a sex toy party. However, I will warn you that there may be ladies in various stages of undress at any given time.

Don't make these fashion mistakes!
   Remember, the holidays are coming up. You probably need a new outfit or 2 for all those parties and family dinners. Besides, life is so hectic lately that time is precious. Shop and see your pals at the same time. If you shop at the pop-up boutique, you'd save money, since there would be no shipping charges. That extra money could certainly go to more Mode Merr clothing!

   If you would be interested in hosting a pop-up boutique (there would be something in it for you) at your home or know of a local shop that would like to, please let us know. You could let us know through the blog or you could send a message or post a comment on Facebook. What's that? You aren't friends with us on Facebook? Well, what are you waiting for? If you have not already friended us on Facebook, please do so. 

  We look forward to hearing your ideas and  suggestions about our pop-up boutique. As always, we appreciate Mode Merr fans, supporters and readers of this blog. You are all great.

Until next time. <3


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